Minggu, 25 Januari 2015

One of the Outstanding Programs of TBI FTK IAIN SMH Banten

Fellowship program is one of the outstanding programs of English Department Faculty of Education and Teacher Training IAIN SMH Banten. Erran, as Director of RELO (Regional English Language Office, Public Affairs of US Embassy  Jakarta), proudly present short seminar on “Designing A good Practicing for EFL”. He’s also created variant activities in English Teaching as one of the Teacher Professional Development, created powerful English practicing.
The program was conducted precisely incorporate with RELO (Regional English Language Office, Public Affairs of US Embassy Jakarta). English Department FTK IAIN also carries out the same program in recent year (on October –November 2014). The Fellowship program has been designed to serve and meet the need of English Department Student in explore and endeavor of being professional teacher and practically to be ELT and research on EFL.

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