Senin, 23 Maret 2015


Mr. Arifin and Mr. Naf'an Tarihoran are the key-note speaker of the great moment of the TBI general studium. This is even semester (2015) general studium conducted by the English Education Department Faculty of Education and Teacher Training. This is issued at the main hall of Prof. Syadeli Hasan, First Floor, on March 16, 2015. The upate issues on TEFL, mainly English Teaching Design Quality: Activity and Creativity as the main theme of the program. This issues meet the need of the sixth semester students as the next profession practices at school around the city. More than 150 partcipants joind of the program. The parcipants are the students of TBI and the committee of English MGMP Serang City.
This program was supported by the ASSES (Association of Enlgish Students) as the event organizer. Asses Voice presented the anthem on Indonesia Raya and IAIN Anthem.

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