Kamis, 13 November 2014


Mis. Ila:Psycholinguistics, Pronunciation Practice, Listening
 Mis. Anita: Speaking, Introduction to Linguistics, Phonology (Staffing Institute's Library)
 Porf. Ilzam: Translation, Research on ELT (The Chairman of Quality Assurance Institute)
Mr. Arifin: Language Teaching and Evaluation, Teaching Material Development (MBC Facilitator)
 Mr. Naf'an: Research on ELT, Micro-Teaching (The Dean of Faculty of Education and Teacher Training)
 Mis. Tatu: Phonology, Syntax, and Semantics
 Mis. Yayu: Research on ELT, Methodology of TEFL (The Secretary of Department)
 Mis. Fitri: Micro-Teaching, Statistics (The Vice of the Dean)
Mis Eulis: Speaking, Reading
Mr. As'ari: Phonology, Morphology, Syntax (The Head of the Department)

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